Prenatal Yoga


At Yoga & You, a Prenatal yoga class focuses not only on the mother-to-be, but also on the unborn baby and upcoming “Labor of Love”.
Prenatal yoga is suitable to all stages of pregnancy and is a gift that a mother-to-be can give to herself and her growing baby. It helps a woman prepare herself mentally and spiritually and emphasizes particular poses, breathing, and relaxation techniques that help to prepare a woman physically (strengthens muscles used in labor & delivery, improve posture, improve circulation, increase endurance and build stamina). This yoga class is a place for would be mothers to feel that the process of pregnancy is natural, healthy, and normal.

Childbirth is an experience in a woman's life that holds the power to transform her forever. Passing through these powerful gates—in her own way—remembering all the generations of women who walk with her... “She is never alone”.

Suzanne Arms
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Prenatal Yoga

First Trimester Yoga

First Trimester Yoga

Congratulations on the good news! Are you a newly pregnant mum with an established yoga practice? Or, perhaps, considering to join a class for the first time? Here’s what you need to know.

Second Trimester Yoga

Second Trimester Yoga

Pregnancy is a beautiful experience but only when you treat yourself right, and yoga can be of great solace during this stage. Even if you missed yoga in the first trimester, start in your second. So come join us!

Third Trimester Yoga

Third Trimester Yoga

In the third trimester, prenatal yoga may become more difficult (just like turning over in bed, walking up the stairs, and tying your own shoes). But there is no reason to stop practicing as long as you feel up to it.

Prenatal Yoga consent form:

Please complete this and bring it to your first class.

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